Asia Pacific International Solidarity Conference, Sydney, March 28-April 1, 2002

2nd Asia Pacific International Solidarity Conference

Sydney Boys High School, Moore Park, Surry Hills

Sydney, Australia

7pm, March 28-April 1, 2002

The agenda for the large conference is listed below:

Thursday, March 28, 7pm: Opening rally & launch

Friday, March 29

Item Speaker(s)

0800-1000 Registration

0930-1000 Welcome & introduction John Percy

10-1200: The world since Seattle and Sept 11
Presenter: Dipankar Bhattacharya

Discussants: Victor Briz, Nina Benjamin, Doug Lorimer, Caroline Lund

12-1300 Lunch

1300-1430: Globalisation and militarism in Asia
Presenter: Frank Pascual

Discussants: Kautsar, Won, Farooq Tariq, Kerryn Williams
1430-1600 Workshops

1. Major session: The Pakistani left and the struggle for peace and justice Farooq Tariq

2. Argentina in revolt Luis Bilbao

3. The Bush Doctrine: a strategy for world domination Caroline Lund

4. The socialist alternative: Cuba's intervention into anti-neoliberalism Pat Brewer

5. Australia at the forefront of anti-refugee policies: a history of mandatory detention Sarah Stephen

6. Islam, the veil and women's liberation Margarita Windisch, Layla Mohammed

7. For the Acehnese people, Indonesia is an oppressor state Kautsar

8. Australian union militancy: traditions and future directions Craig Johnston, Ian Jamieson

9. Philippines socialists regroup and unite Sonny Melencio

10. Imperialism today: a popular explanation Doug Lorimer

11. A transnational capitalist class in formation? James Goodman

12. The anti-capitalist movement after Genoa, New York and Porto Alegre Alex Callinicos

13. How to agitate and educate: a skills workshop Jorge Jorquera

14. TBA Jean-Pierre Page

15. The internet: a net negative for capitalism? A panel of internet activists



1600-1800 Workshops

1. Major session: No reconciliation without justice Kim Bullimore, Ray Jackson

2. Breaking the silence: war, propaganda and the New Empire film of John Pilger's speech at Sydney Town Hall, March 1

3. Mexican workers in the US: 12 million voices unheard Luis Pelayo

4. Women and war Nurcan Kiyak

5. West Papua‚s struggle for independence John Ondawame

6. Globalisation and the labour movement Grahame McCulloch

7. Paradise lost: the failure of parliamentary reformism in NZ Dave Colyer

8. Is the market replaceable? Sue Bolton

9. After Porto Alegre II, the dynamics of the anti-capitalist globalisation movements and present internationalism: elements of analysis and political issues Pierre Rousset
10. The camera as a weapon of social change Jill Hickson, Satya Sivaraman

11. The future of peace on the Korean peninsula PWC

12. Towards a socialist strategy for South Africa Dale McKinley

13. Anti-capitalism and the left in Australia Liz Humphreys

14. Democratic rights after September 11: has McCarthyism returned? Alex Bainbridge

15. Neoliberalism, the Tamil struggle and the realignment of Sri Lankan politics Lionel Bopage


1900: BBQ to welcome international guests

Saturday, March 30

Item Speaker(s)

0800-0900 Registration

0900-1100: The movement against capitalist globalisation after Sept 11
Presenter: Peter Boyle

Discussants: Michael Albert, Pierre Rousset, Luis Bilbao, Alex Callinicos

1100-1300 Workshops

1. Major session: Participatory economics: towards an alternative to capitalist globalisation Michael Albert

2. Testimonials on the refugee experience in Australia Rafael Pacheco, Riz Wakil, Thang Ngo

3. What is ATTAC? Pierre Rousset

4. Cambodia‚s garment workers in the face of globalisation Helen Jarvis, Allen Myers

5. State of the US unions: help or hindrance for workers? Caroline Lund

6. The South Korean left after September 11 PWC

7. Marxism and the state Alison Dellit

8. Socialism and ecology Dr Jim Green

9. The politics of the Socialist Party of Timor (PST) Nelson Correia

10. Manufacturing consent, stirring dissent: taking on the media monopolies Jill Hickson, Meagen Phillipson

11. A critique of Hardt and Negri Alex Callinicos

12. The World Conference Against Racism and the struggle for indigenous peoples‚ rights Waratah (Rosemary Gillespie) & Roy Kennedy

13. How do we build a new revolutionary international? Stuart King

14. The struggle for a free Burma Maung Maung Than

15. Capitalist restoration in China and the struggle for democracy Frances Lau

16. Bougainville: victory and autonomy Moses Havini


13-1400 Lunch

1400-1600: Mass revolt and left renewal in Asia
Presenter: Sonny Melencio

Discussants: Dita Sari, Won, Nasir Hashim

1600-1800 Workshops

1. Major session: The labour movement and global justice Victor Briz, Caroline Lund, M.M Lawrence, Phil Davey

2. Students, workers, First World, Third World: the US anti-sweatshop movement US ISO

3. Asylum and migration in Fortress Europe Eva Bjorklund, Pierre Rousset

4. Feminist debates in the Third World Reihana Mohideen

5. Peace in Asia and the world is guaranteed by Seraikistan Seraiki National Party

6. Fighting state repression of unions: a comparison of regional responses PWC, Chris Spindler

7. Debates on strategy and program in the Sudanese left Osama Yussuf

8. Socialism and democracy Dave Holmes

9. Commercialisation of aid in the Pacific Vikki John, Melita Grant

10. From S11 to M1 Jorge Jorquera

11. The gallery of the streets: third world solidarity posters Stephen O‚Brien

12. From Kosovo to Timor: the politics of "humanitarian intervention" Ian Rintoul

13. State of community-based organisations in South Africa Nina Benjamin

14. TBA Haydar Ilker

15. Nation, nationalism and class: a Marxist perspective Jim McIlroy


1900: Solidarity Dinner
with MC: Max Lane

Sunday, March 31

Conference action


Villawood Refugee Prison

Meet 8.30am, Villawood Train Station


7.20am, Central Station, on platform for City to Liverpool train

Item Speaker(s)

12-1300 Lunch & registration

1300-1500: Break down the fortresses! Globalising freedom of asylum & migration Presenter: Lisa Macdonald

Discussants: Eva Bjorklund, Luis Pelayo, Haydar Ilker
1500-1700 Workshops

1. Major session: From anti-corporate to anti-war: the European experience Alex Callinicos, Pierre Rousset


3."We live to tread on kings": the lessons of Genoa (A video showing and discussion) James Vassilopolous

4. The Greens‚ vision for social alternatives Jamie Parker

5. Escalating the refugee solidarity campaign in Australia: discussion of tactics and direction Pip Hinman, Ian Rintoul, Jamal Daoud

6. The struggle of Bougainville women for peace and freedom Marilyn Havini

7. The Palestinian struggle today Khaldoun Hajaj

8. KCTU at the crossroads PWC

9. Crisis and resistance in Indonesia: a Q&A session Dita Sari

3. Not the "Best Ever" Olympics: the negative impacts of Sydney 2000 Helen Lenskyj

11. Politics in the workplace: an international exchange of experiences Sue Bull, Caroline Lund, B.R. Rahi

12. A history of Australian imperialism in the Pacific Norm Dixon

13. India: the struggle against saffron fascism Dipankar Bhattacharya

14. Get involved in Asia Pacific solidarity! A campaign workshop Panel of solidarity activists

15. United front yesterday and today Carlene Wilson



1700-1900: Race, class and colonialism in the 21st century: the struggle continues
Presenter: Reihana Mohideen

Discussants: Nina Benjamin, Dipankar, Paul D'Amato, (Jimmy Naouna)

2000: Culture Night, with singers, flamenco and salsa lessons

Monday, April 1

Item Speaker(s)

0800-0900: Registrations

0900-1100: The end of Asia's "economic miracles": social alternatives & strategies
Presenter: Dita Sari

Discussants: Nasir Hashim, Won, Dale McKinley
1100-1230 Workshops

1. Major session: Women of Afghanistan after the Taliban Tahmeena Faryal

2. The anti-immigrant offensive in the US Caroline Lund, US ISO, Luis Pelayo

3. Film on Cuban doctors abroad Tom Fawthrop

4. Participatory Budget: the Rio Grande do Sul experience Ben Reid

5. The impact of temporary protection visas Paula Abood

6. Social clauses: a poison pill for the international workers‚ movement Tom Bramble

7. The Socialist Alliance in Britain Martin Thomas, Stuart King, Alex Callinicos

8. Where is Vietnam headed? Mike Karadjis

9. The fight for socialism: why a party? John Percy

10. The movement against neoliberal globalisation in PNG Jesse Wynhausen

11. The second world conference of lesbian and gay trade
unionists: an information and preparation seminar Workers Out!
12. The future of Scandinavian social democracy Eva Bjorklund

13. Indonesia after Wahid: democratic and permanent revolution Tom O'Lincoln

14. East Timor after independence: the struggle for economic justice and development Nelson Correia, Tomas Freitas




1230-1330 Lunch

1330-1530: Neoliberalism and resistance after Porto Alegre
Presenter: Pierre Rousset

Discussants: Kautsar, Satya Sivaraman, Ahmed Shawki, Brazilian MST

1530-1700 Workshops

1. Major session: From liberation to neoliberalism: has the South African movement lost its way? Dale McKinley, Nina Benjamin

2. The anti-capitalist left in Europe Pierre Rousset, Alex Callinicos, Danish Red-Green Alliance

3. Documentary about PBI (Indonesian workers‚ theatre company), followed by interactive discussion & theatre workshop Bec Conroy

4. Refugees and the First World fortress: challenges for international law Pamela Lentini

5. Seruv: The new resistance inside the army and developments in the Israeli peace movement. Max Watts, Vivienne Porzsolt

6. White Australia and the Australian working class Phil Griffiths

7. The US: an environment outlaw US ISO

8. Colombia: the resistance after September 11 Luis Almario

9. The economics of globalisation Martin Thomas

10. Indian democracy: challenges in a changed scenario Dr Rajikishore Singh

11. Islam and imperialism in South Asia Tad Tietze

12. TBA Progressive Young Hazaras

13. Reproductive rights and the globalisation of pharmaceuticals Dr Kamala Emanuel, Dr Lynette Dumble





1700-1900: Why an Asia Pacific Social Forum?
Presenter: Max Lane

Discussants: Frank Pascual, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Dita Sari, Farooq Tariq

2000: Restaurant dinner