NYC April 9th Anarchist Forum with Todd Gitlin, <i>Media Unlimited</i>

Todd Gitlin, Media Unlimited:

How Media Overwhelm Our Lives

Anarchist Forum, April 9, 7:30 pm. Brecht Forum

On Tuesday, April 9, at 7:30pm, the Libertarian Book Club's Anarchist Forum welcomes Todd Gitlin giving a
presentation on his new book Media Unlimited. Gitlin will discuss and document how we live in a supersaturated mess
of sounds and images directed at us by Big Business and Big Government. Invasion of our thoughts and emotions are
with us always: video games, elevator music, billboards, waiting room TV, soundtrucks, the mobile phone, etc. Gitlin, in
addition to his practical presentation, will give the whole a theoretical underpinning by discussing the writings of such
sociologists as Georg Simmel.
Gitlin sees the unbridled media as working against the creation of the opposite of global capitalism -- what he calls
"global civil society." Today's overwhelming images and sounds have nothing to do with the worldwide problems of disease, inequality, oppression, and environmental poisoning. In fact the noise works to the advantage of the oligarchs. Also, the media excesses show no sign of being self-correcting or self-transforming.

Todd Gitlin is professor of culture, journalism, and sociology at New York University. He has written many seminal
books, including Inside Prime Time, The Whole World is Watching and The Twilight of Common Dreams.

After Gitlin's presentation, an open period of questions and discussion will follow. The event will take place at the Brecht Forum on the 10th floor of 122 West 27th St. [between 6th and 7th Aves.], a short walk from the 28th St. 1, 2, N, and R stops, the 34th St. B, D, Q and W stop, and the 23rd St. F and V stop.

There is no set fee for the presentation, but a contribution to aid the LBC is requested. If you have questions, contact the LBC /Anarchist Forum, 212-979-8353, 339 Lafayette St., Room 202, NYC, NY 10012 or e-mail: