Lockdown in Brooklyn

Anonymous Comrade writes: " This morning I saw something that made me want to live. About 8 workingclass black and latin tennants chained themselves to the fire escape of their tenement house in Brooklyn with signs that said "we aren't leaving". The buildings departmernt had decided to help their landlord gentrify the building by issuing vacate orders to all the tennants. But by one the Buildings department was revising it's plans and the tennants were celebrating victory in what they described as the second round of an 8 round fight.

For years I have heard all kinds of people tell me that this kind of resistance would only come from priveleged white kids. I guess someone forgot to tell these tennants. It felt like a whole new chapter in New york City politics.

Today I am thinking that I would like to have a long life because I think there is going to be a revolution in America someday and I want to live to see it."