Interview with Eduardo Galeano


nomadlab writes "Granma has translated an interview with Eduardo Galeano that was printed in the April 10th edition of La Jornada.

the entire text can be found at

Granma International

here is an exerpt:

[Argentina and Uruguay] are countries overwhelmingly populated by immigrants, and here it’s interesting to note that that’s the basis of a universal perplexity, given the magnitude of a crisis like the one being suffered by Argentina, which is a veritable tragedy. There is universal perplexity because people don’t understand how such a thing could happen in a white, well-nourished country without a demographic explosion. The event in itself calls into question the theories of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and other "ologists" who, for example, identify underdevelopment and poverty with social explosions — things they say occur in obscure regions of the planet, regions condemned by destiny to suffer poverty because of the color of their skin, as a result of a miscegenation that did not bear good fruit. But contrary to those racist interpretations of human misfortune, episodes like this one in Argentina appear, and they can’t understand how it could have happened."