Northeastern Anarchist #4 Published


The Northeastern Anarchist #4 (spring/summer 2002)
Magazine of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC)

"Class Struggle Beyond Anti-Globalization Protest"

Single copies are $5ppd ($6 international); subscriptions are $15ppd ($18
international). For distribution, bundle orders are $3 per copy for three
or more copies, and $2.50 for ten or more. Checks and money orders can be
made out to "Northeastern Anarchist" and sent to:

The Northeastern Anarchist

PO Box 230685

Boston, MA 02123, USA

email: sabate 36

For more information about NEFAC...

nefac (English)

nefac (French)



- Class Struggle Beyond Anti-Globalization Protest (editorial) --
MaRK (Sabate Anarchist Collective)

- Towards the Creation of an Anarchist Movement: From Reactive
Politics to Proactive Struggle -- Beggar (Barricada Collective)

- Active Revolution -- James Mumm

- The Intersection of Anarchism and Community Organizing -- Dave
(Sabate Anarchist Collective)

- Organizing a Mass-Based Constituency -- Anarchy Carpet

- Fighting to Win: Anarchist and the Ontario Coalition Against
Poverty -- Jeff Shantz (Freyheyt Collective)

- An Anarchist Program For Labor -- Wayne Price (NEFAC-NYC)

- Bringing the Class Struggle Up-To-Date -- Flint Jones (Roundhouse

- Immigrants and Unions -- Chuck Hendricks


- Anarchism and Communism -- Luigi Fabbri

- Redefining Radical Feminism -- Traci Harris (Ruckus Collective)

- Racism and Class Struggle -- Workers Solidarity Federation
(WSF-South Africa)

- Feminist Class Struggle -- bell hooks


- Bashing the Black Bloc? -- Ray Cunningham (Workers Solidarity
Movement - Ireland)

- Has the Black Bloc Tactic Reached the End of its Usefulness? --
Severino (Barricada Collective)


- Empire (Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri) -- Andrew Flood (Workers
Solidarity Movement - Ireland)

- Anarchist Economics (Abraham Guillen) -- Subversion (UK)