
"Evil Eye"

Hakim Bey

The Evil Eye -- mal occhio -- truly exists, & modern western culture has so
deeply repressed all knowledge of it that its effects overwhelm us -- & are
mistaken for something else entirely. Thus it is free to operate unchecked,
convulsing society in a paroxysm of Invidia. Invidious Envy -- the active
manifestation of passive resentment -- projected outward thru the gaze (i.e.
thru the whole language of gestures & physiognomy, to which most moderns
are deaf, or rather which they are not aware of hearing).

hydrarchist writes:
The Hipatia Manifesto

Free knowledge, in action for the peoples of the world

We propose the creation of a world-wide, popular, democratic organization
to promote the adoption of public policies combined with human and social
behaviour that favour the free availability and sustainability of, and
social access to, technology and knowledge; their use for the common
good; and the viability of the economic model which creates them, in
terms of the equality and inclusion of all human beings and all peoples of the


Crazy Mother Fuckers

In the two weeks before I came to Iraq, I developed a strange muscle tension in the left side of my neck. It would begin about eleven in the morning, growing increasingly stronger as the day went on, as I ran around town tying up loose ends, purchasing equipment, and reading everything I could lay my hands on about Iraq and the Middle East. By evening my neck muscles would feel hard and stiff, and I would usually have the unpleasant sensation of choking or almost vomiting at least three times each night.

"Post-Anarchism Anarchy"

Hakim Bey (1987)

The Association for Ontological Anarchy gathers in
conclave, black turbans & shimmering robes, sprawled
on shirazi carpets sipping bitter coffee, smoking long
chibouk & sibsi. Question: What's our position on all
these recent defections & desertions from anarchism
(esp. in California-Land): condemn or condone? Purge
them or hail them as advance-guard? Gnostic elite...or

Maurice Nobert writes:

"The Phat in the Hat:

An Anti-Rap Rant in the Meter of Seuss"

Maurice Norbert

Yo… Em, 50 cent, Dre, Snoop, DMX
Roll down the window of that tricked up gold lex
Give me a minute to let me say thanks t’ya
For the career advice ya’ll gave to my wanksta
Son, who wasn’t sure what he would do
Was flailing around for his path as he grew
But finally found the Holy Grail that he sought
In the ciphers and videos of your songs that he bought
Now I know how to get his life on the right track
I can see how my old plan for him was just whack
You guys make so much more money than me
I saw you win gold on the MTV
You call women bitches and Hos when you please
Then find em all lined up backstage on their knees
All I had was some girlfriends then just my wife
For the last 25 years, that ain’t much of a life
I just know my boy can do better like you
When he’s a bit older and you’re older too
Maybe when you have daughters just about sixteen
He’ll be in his prime, you know just what I mean


This is nicely done:

Bush Regime Playing Cards

"Situation Excellent, I Am Attacking"

William Rivers Pitt

"That's the spirit, George. If nothing else works, then a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through."
-- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett, 'Blackadder Goes Forth'

There is not enough grammar in the entirety of the English language to describe the incredible international humiliation that has befallen the United States of America. That this humiliation was brought down upon the American people by the man supposedly in charge of the country is, in all honesty, no big surprise for those who have been watching this all unfold. The layers of crushing embarrassment have been building like river sediment for months upon months upon months. On Tuesday, however, George W. Bush managed to completely obliterate the hard-won standing the United States has earned within the global community.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"You already know that things have gotten bad. Our democracy was drunkenly crashed and never sent to the repair shop. The government is preaching liberty but imprisoning a higher percentage of its citizens than any other country on earth. Now it is trying to evade the few remaining protections the courts will enforce by "disappearing" people indefinitely in cages on foreign soil where the Constitution won't reach. It is condoning, and even participating in torture -- in the twenty-first century: torture! It is using bald-faced lies to justify world-dominating ambitions of a sort we used to like to claim we were defending the world against.

mobiustrip44 writes:

"Should Anarchists Support Suicide Bombers?"

"I am an exceptionally active Jewish anarchist who once resided in Israel and currently has many relatives living there. Lately I've been getting really fed up with some of my anarchist friends when we're discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because often, like Rachel Corrie, you can hear the restrained hero-worship of Palestinian suicide bombers beneath the subtext of their arguments. They wear kaffiyehs in solidarity, and scrawl "Israel out of Palestine" on bathroom walls, purportedly identifying with the Palestinian independence struggle, like this clown at the WTO demo in Cancun doing his best impression of a rock-tossing Palestinian teenager.

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