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Updated: 7 years 21 weeks ago

(en) Greece, ese Athens: Workers Counter Bulletin #131 (gr) [machine translation]

October 16, 2016 - 4:45am
Some insights into painful labor reality we experience and our struggles , which to us is to them empower, entitled or recover s Union adopted by the Association of Book Employee - Paper - Digital Media Attica (SYVCHPSA). Everything that complaint l compa the workers in the book industry are becoming increasingly cheap as labor. Salaries petsokommenoi , voucher payment, "black" (undervalued course) wages, overtime not paid,deprecated collective agreement, individual contracts and arrangements rotating work are just some of what the ... goodies is to offer workers the bosses of the book. But not only stop v h bosses. Yat t into d rchei and then. Young workers recruited by starvation wages, are unpaid accrued at least one year in some cases, increased workloads, xecheilomena hours and abolish the Sunday holiday, labor monitoring practices and establishing competitive ...

(en) Concentration against auctions | TO FINISH THE AUCTIONS OR OTHERWISE OUR steals LIFE, we will resist (gr) [machine translation]

October 16, 2016 - 4:45am
In a period of general economic and humanitarian crisis, once violated labor rights and acquired years that salaries and pensions decrease rapidly and unemployment is touching red, the bulk of society living in poverty and misery, thousands of people crammed into detention centers - "accommodation" in appalling living conditions, the SYRIZA-ANEL government in cooperation with banks and always under the supervision of European institutions, proceeds of auctioning a 'residence ,. ---- It is truly remarkable the fact that what no previous governments have managed to sign the first two memoranda, now comes the leftist government to realize and even in the midst of a mismatch social peace and consensus. ---- Given the economic and working conditions prevailing in the country and the standard of living, which are progressively shrinking, and the vast percentage of home ...

(en) Patra: CONCENTRATION IN SOLIDARITY ANARCHIST THODORIS Sipsas 13 OCTOBER, 18.30 By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]

October 16, 2016 - 4:45am
ANARCHY IS STRUGGLE FOR LIFE AND FREEDOM ---- The schemers POLICY AGAINST THE ANARCHIST THODORIS Sipsas WILL NOT PASS ---- ACROSS THE antisocial AND CRIMINAL VIOLENCE STATE, CAPITAL AND THEIR lackeys ... SOCIAL AND CLASS endive IS FAIR! Tin Friday, October 14th at the Athens Court continued the trial of the anarchist Th. Sipsas that, based on a fabricated indictment, prosecuted for arson of Marfin bank. CONCENTRATION SOLIDARITY THURSDAY 13 OCTOBER, 18.30 IN Hesperus (PL. GEORGE) anarchist group "restive horse" / member of the Anarchist Political Organisation http://apo.squathost.com/ ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL October - Eddy Talbot (SUD-PTT): "The case of Émeline is a breach in the wall of the postal silence" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

October 16, 2016 - 4:45am
Last February, Emeline, a letter carrier in Villeneuve d'Ascq, suffered a stroke at his place of work. The case has gained momentum and South-PTT federation has undertaken in defense of Émeline. One of the challenges is to break the code of silence that reigns in the Post about the deterioration of working conditions. Interview with Eddy Talbot, a member of the Federal Bureau of South and PTT itself factor. ---- Can you go back to what happened to Émeline February 19? ---- Eddy Talbot: That day, Émeline sends an SMS from his home to his superiors to prevent that she can go to her workplace for fear of discomfort. His team leader is then pressured her to come to work anyway, saying she will not be replaced and that the tour will not be assured. Émeline is all the more pressure it is fixed term and hope to pass in CDI. ...

(en) Informative text of the anarchist collective "Black and Red" on the fly against the torture of children in police station (gr) [machine translation]

October 15, 2016 - 8:42am
On October 8, 2016 he left for the high city against the torture of children in police station in Athens, and against police violence. The march stopped at the police station shouting slogans uptown. Since the beginning of the march several police squads followed the marchers, walking a short distance from them. During the march slogans against the police, the state and capitalism, in favor of the defense of immigrants, and for self-organized structures they shouted. ---- It is obvious that the government of the Left not only seeks to silence all resistance and approve measures that even the Right could imagine, but also tries to suppress any resistance in society, as happened with the auction of foreclosed homes by banks , where we face - called anntidisturbios equipment, or in Oreokastro, where the trees helped the fascists to do what they themselves have ...

(en) [Italy] solidarity meeting with the Kurdish resistance By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

October 15, 2016 - 8:42am
After the regional meeting in Udine on Saturday, September 24, organized by the Coordination Libertarian Regional, a new initiative of solidarity was held on Saturday October 1, this time in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trieste. ---- On the initiative of some groups and individuals has organized an informative demonstration on the Square Borsa. It was a very successful initiative and communicative, as about 70 people attended the act, and this was very visible to many passers-by countless bands and handmade posters were from various sides of the square, as happened a good distribution of leaflets with Kurdish music and speeches at the microphone. Many people stopped to read the posters came to bring materials and know in depth about it. ...

(en) Portugal, Lisbon: Brief notes on the Fair Anarchist Book 2016 By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

October 15, 2016 - 8:42am
From 23 to 25 September was held in Lisbon more an anarchist book fair where the main emphasis was put on anarchist publications, fanzines of newspapers, books to magazines around the world. Companheirxs coming from Spain, France and Belgium, presentation of books, essays and stories crossed with the subversive and prison memories, but direct action could not be forgotten and so in the Contra Info banking came a publication with an overview of translations disseminated through their blogs, with special emphasis on Spanish and Portuguese, but also in English, Italian and French. Also cards with information on the conditions of publication and collaboration with Contra Info plus other on the recent Operation Scripta Manent in Italy, containing contacts dxs compas detidxs to match. For consultation or free distribution in the remaining stalls or to general visitors. ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL October - Policy: class solidarity against the racist system (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

October 15, 2016 - 8:42am
The controversy around the Burkini this summer was a reminder that presidential election year happens would be a stress relief. In this period, we will be on the offensive both ideologically and on the ground, to build a united movement against all forms of racism. ---- Since September, the campaign of the presidential election is actually launched with its attendant bites and grand statements. We already know the records of the various candidates and unfortunately knows what will be the topics on which they will try to get us. In a lamentable dredge the FN electorate, the voices on the right and left "realistic" clearly set the tone: we speak of immigration, security and identity. The controversial Islamophobic and racist overtones amalgams are not ready to stop and little voice may rise to point the multiple consequences of the racist system or to denounce the intensification ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - rally, Justice and truth for Medhi Ben Barka, on 29 October in Paris (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

October 15, 2016 - 8:42am
51 years after the abduction and disappearance of Mehdi Ben Barka, socialist militant Third World and Pan-Africanist, the status unreason must give way to political reason and truth. In support of victims of enforced disappearance against forgetting and impunity. ---- "What is important is the definition of powers and responsibilities to the people, and the establishment of authentically popular institutions" ---- - Mehdi Ben Barka ---- We would like to reproduce below the text "Ben Barka and his killers," an interview with Bechir Ben Barka's son, Mehdi Ben Barka, who leads the Committee for the truth about Ben Barka affair. This interview was conducted in 1995, and is available on the website www.danielguerin.info ---- for more information, we also recommend: ---- 1965: Mehdi Ben Barka was kidnapped and murdered ...

(en) RESISTANCE TO PROJECTS OF STATE AND BOSSES-NONE HOUSE IN HANDS banker, By A.P.O. (gr) [machine translation]

October 14, 2016 - 2:45am
"You are tired" ---- "Listen: you do not want anymore to work with us. ---- Knelt, not another can be run. ---- Tired, no longer able to learn new. ---- Xoflisei: No one can ask you to do anything anymore. ---- Learn then: we ask. ---- As tired and fall asleep he will not wake up anymore to say: ---- pull their food is ready. ---- Why have food ready? ---- As you can else to run, you will stay lying. ---- Nobody in search for say: "there was a revolution, factories in waiting." ---- Why 'has become revolution? ---- When you die you will bury or fault for dying or not. ---- You say: long time struggled. can not you anymore n 'games. ---- So listen: either your fault or not as you can to fight the other will die. ---- You say: long time hoped, you can not any longer be hoped. Hoped what? ---- How the race Thanasis' easy? ...

(en) Communist anarchists Assembly: Interventions against the selling off of public property (gr) [machine translation]

October 14, 2016 - 2:44am
On 6 and 7 October they distributed leaflets against privatization in Aristeidou PPC, EYDAP in the September 3, the OAED and PPC at Peristeri. - The text: - NO MORE STEPS BACK - class front against sellout OF PUBLIC PROPERTY - On September 27 even completed a crime against the workers and popular interests, the coalition SYRIZA / ANEL act as sales representative of the interests of local and international capital. - The so-called "Superfund" under effective control of creditors and headed by French technocrat Jacques Le Pap undertakes to sell out with humiliating conditions on public property, the basic social goods such as water and electricity, until infrastructure (schools, hospitals, airports, Via Egnatia, Greek etc.). ---- Privatisation in no way serve the workers' and people's interests, such as trying to get our modern preachers of exploitation, either ...

(en) anarkismo.net: Is Trumpism Fascism? by Wayne Price

October 14, 2016 - 2:44am
What is Fascism? ---- Donald Trump and those who follow him have shown certain specific traits of a fascist movement. Does that make Trump or the Trumpets into fascists? What is fascism? How is it counterposed to bourgeois democracy? Is there likely to be a fascist movement in the U.S.A.? How do we fight fascism? ---- Whether Donald J. Trump wins or (more likely) loses the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the movement which he has stirred up will continue in one form or another. A question which is widely asked is, whether this movement-call it Trumpism-is fascist, semi-fascist, or a forerunner of fascism? ---- Unquestionably, he has been supported by out-and-out fascists, U.S. Nazis, white supremacists, Ku Klux Klan members, and others of the "alternative right" or "alt right," as they call themselves. He has repeatedly re-tweeted posts from Nazis and Klanspeople, he ...

(en) awsm.nz: Modern Day Slavery in USA by Pink Panther

October 14, 2016 - 2:44am
Since the 45th Anniversary of the Attica prison riots - September 9th, 2016 - an estimated 24,000 people have been on strike in the USA. If you haven't heard of the strike you are not alone. It has mostly been ignored by the mainstream media and even much of the Left. This is because the strikers are made up of a group who usually don't feature in strikes: prison workers. ---- Though the Thirteenth Amendment of the United States forbids slavery and involuntary servitude there is a glaring exemption that is obvious when you read what it states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - nternational, Colombia: a libertarian analysis of the cease-fire with the FARC (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

October 14, 2016 - 2:44am
Thursday, June 23, 2016 has undoubtedly marked a historic date in Colombia. That day, in the dialogues of peace and Havana negotiating table, the state government of Juan Manuel Santos and the insurrection of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP) have agreed a bilateral and definitive cease-fire. ---- For many Colombians and Colombians, it is a burning desire come true. Without ceasing to share the popular enthusiasm, we note that this is not yet the end of the war and there is a long way to go to achieve social change and real benefits for the workers, the social sectors and peoples. ---- We, Grupo Vía Libre Libertario, we recognize the historical importance of these agreements for the country since it is obvious that much of the population no longer wished to live a war so degrading and cruel like ours and that is so a good reason to ...

(en) Poland, October 15 - mobilization against CETA and TTIP! - Inicjatywa Pracownicza (IP, Workers' Initiative) [machine translation]

October 14, 2016 - 2:44am
On Saturday, October 15 in Europe there will be demonstrations and pickets against free trade treaties CETA (agreement European Union - Canada) and TTIP (the agreement EU - USA). Both agreements have created a giant free trade zone and threaten workers' rights and consumer and the environment, and both have the support of the Polish government. The only chance to stop the TTIP and CETA are social protests that force the political elite to withdraw from these projects. In this fight must include also the trade unions because both agreements threaten our rights! ---- Workers' Initiative supports the protests against TTIP and CETA and encourages members and members of a compound to actively participate in demonstrations in Warsaw and Krakow: ...

(en) Czech anarchist Federation: Ceština, Rojava - Kurds in the struggle for freedom and against ISIS [machine translation]

October 13, 2016 - 8:10am
The narration accompanied by photographs of Margaret Všelichová and Mirka Farkas, who went to northern Syria, to stand alongside Kurdish militia YPJ and YPG in Rojava defense against '. Islamic state. He rojava not only resisted, but now inflicts ISIS one defeat after another, and frees your neighbors. Liberated Rojava becomes hope for the entire Middle East, not only a successful defense against ISIS, but also the ongoing revolution based on the emancipation of women, social and economic autonomy. Margaret and rate well organized material aid to people affected by the hardships of war directly in Syria - to lecture you will learn how you can help. It will of course be given space and discuss your questions. ...

(en) Greece, Collective response to anti-authoritarian: leftist libel against squatters ceiling for immigrants and refugees from Antiauthoritarian Movement Larissa

October 13, 2016 - 8:10am
In this post we published a text of the anti-authoritarian movement Larisa, entitled "A proper response to the publication Avgi text" Who and how to determine the principles of the Left? " . This text, published in the newspaper of the ruling party Syriza few days after the eviction three squatters ceiling for refugees and immigrants, is a libel (misspelled) against self-organized structures, while defending bourgeois legality, and justifying Clampdown be reluctant to it. ---- As in this text reveals the true face and intentions of the Left, and the lack of dialectic and argumentation that governs his speech, is likely to devote another entry, highlighting some points of the text and giving an answer more local servants of neoliberal sovereignty. ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Colombia: a libertarian perspective on the "no" to the peace agreement (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

October 13, 2016 - 8:09am
The landmark agreement on the end of the civil war, spent between Bogota and the FARC guerrillas, is threatened by the victory of the "no" in the referendum that was to endorse the peace agreement. Comment and analysis of the libertarian group Vía Libre, live from Colombia. ---- At the October 2 referendum, which was voted on the approval of the Final Agreement by the end of the armed conflict signed between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the insurrection of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC -EP)[1], the No won unexpectedly and just. It is a political earthquake. ---- 53 According to the bulletin of the National Registry of Civil Status, with 99.98% of the audited polling stations, the choice of No won with a score of 50.21%, or 6,431,376 votes, by the narrow margin 0.45% or 53,894 votes, facing the Yes option were 49.78% of votes is ...

(en) Greece, "Black and Red" APO: Information and photos of yesterday's march against torture minors A.T. Omonia and police violence.

October 13, 2016 - 8:09am
The course was opened to the upper center, passed from A.T. Upper City and made a stop, shouting slogans. Since the beginning of our platoons path followed nearby. Fonachtikan slogans against the police, the state and capitalism and defending immigrants and our structures. It is clear that the Left government not uct only wants to silence any resistance there and pass measures nor the right one would imagine, but tries to suppress any kind of reaction in the social sphere, as was done with the auctions where we were antimetotoi with MAT of the left and the Oraiokastro where MAT contributed to what the fascists can not do and will never allow. We have to say that we do not remain indifferent and silent, will leave no home in the hands of bankers, no child tormented in A.T., no fascist warding refugee children from schools and any captured our partner in state hands. ...

(en) anarkismo.net: "Superintendent Officer Mthembu" - Spoken word poetry against police brutality Inspired by the Events of 28th September 2016 - Police Shooting on RU students by Leroy Maisiri - Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF

October 13, 2016 - 8:09am
"Superintendent Officer Mthembu" ---- If our pain was turned into an art museum the most popular exhibit would showcase portraits of the South African Police Service with our bodies on the floor as their footstools. Our silenced screams chock up the airways in our throats, our tracheas burst out and with both hands we grab the artery veins in an attempt to contain the bleeding, trying to redirect this blood, this life back into the cause and yes, bang, bang, bang; you keep shooting and yes bang, bang, bang, we keep running. ---- But please first allow me to start this poetic prose in Joza extension 7, the peripheral of the township itself almost excommunicated from the centre of Grahamstown. Somewhere unclearly mapped by angry ground stones who share their space with the kind of dust that does not easily settle well on the road, is what looks like an afterthought of an RDP ...