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Updated: 7 years 21 weeks ago

(en) Palestine-Israel, The Tsumud/persistence of 13 years of joint struggle will continue as long as it takes* (it)

October 1, 2016 - 3:16am
It is not because the Jews rule US... It is because Israel play an essential part in the Imperial struggle between US and Russia. Though the oil is less important to US economy it is still important to its partners. The western empire elite came to Peres ceremony because Israel helped to return Egypt to US sphere of influence. Protected Jordan from being taken by pro Russian Syria, Pushed Syria out of Lebanon for a while... and supply important services all over the world. Thus, the struggle against Israel apartheid is going to be much harder than the abolishing of it in Southern Africa. However, we have here the joint non armed struggle, the tens of thousands international activists who come here to participate and return home with the torch of struggle. The Israeli Jews who participate every week in the joint struggle refute the "anti-Semitism" false claims. ...

(en) wsm.ie: Solidarity against the Terrorist Narco-State of Mexico from Dublin, Ireland by Mary Murphy

September 30, 2016 - 2:33am
On Saturday, 24 September, LASC and the Mexico-Ireland Solidarity Collective organised a vigil at the Mexican embassy to remember and to call for justice for the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa and the thousands more like them who have been disappeared in Mexico. ---- Over a year ago, on the night of 26 September 2014, a group of student teachers in the Mexican state of Guerrero were ambushed by municipal police as they travelled in a convoy of buses through the city of Iguala. Five people, including two students, were killed when the officers opened fire on the buses, and another student was later found dead, his body showing signs of horrific torture. Forty-three other students simply disappeared without trace. The students' disappearance unleashed a wave of public outrage fuelled equally by the attack itself and by the narco-corruption which has enabled ...

(en) solfed uk, A Migrant's Guide to Manchester

September 30, 2016 - 2:33am
migrant solidarity migrants' struggles immigration Greater Manche ---- Starting a new life in the UK can be intimidating. Many things are different to how they were at home. Most things are expensive, and some things are just plain difficult. There might be a new language or a new culture to contend with. Dealing with all this whilst struggling to find a job or accommodation can feel impossible. With this in mind, Manchester Solidarity Federation have put together a short guide to the city. We've tried to cover all the basics about living and working here, and where to go for help and what resources are available. ---- The guide is available at manchestermigrantsguide.org.uk. We hope to have translations into languages other than English in the near future. We must emphasise the guide is a work in progress and if you have any suggestions, corrections or comments ...

(en) afed uk: Organise! magazine issue 86 summer 2016 - Editorial: A Victory for the Commons

September 30, 2016 - 2:32am
The main theme of this issue of Organise! is the ‘Commons' and issues related to the control of and access to space. As anarchist communists we reject both private property and state ownership. Therefore, we must consider how we might organise our use and our access to the world's resources. How do we ensure that these resources are managed sustainably and equitably? ---- The idea of the Commons has often been put forward as an alternative way of viewing land and resources. However, there are two interpretations: It could refer to land or resources that are not owned by anyone but to which a designated group of people have the rights of access; or it could be land and resources that are owned by everyone. In this issue you can find radical and utopian ideas of the commons and public space. In order to struggle we need to have a vision of a different future, one ...

(en) Britain, glasgow anarchists: Psychiatry and Social Class - Thursday 29th September. 7-9pm

September 30, 2016 - 2:32am
Our next talk will feature a presentation by Maddie Blanche followed by lots of time for discussion about the intersections of class and mental health. ---- The diagnosis and treatments given to people of different social classes by psychiatrists is a big subject and has been a continuing area of interest to mental health professionals and researchers. This talk and discussion will introduce and explore some of the issues around class and psychiatry from a working class perspective. ---- Glasgow Autonomous Space Unit 11 53 Kilbirnie Street G5 8JD ---- (go through gates next to the "Calor Gas" car park, directly opposite Anaya/Lahore Indian restaurant. There is a small set of steps up to a door into side of the warehouse building. That is the space. Phone 07828540512 if you are having trouble or to get in the non step entrance if you have access needs) ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Nuclear: Antinuclear redoubled energy (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 30, 2016 - 2:32am
The nuclear industry is struggling globally since Fukushima. In France, the mining of uranium at its disposal through plant construction, updating and control, everything is open to criticism. And the challenge is building momentum. Meet at Flamanville October 1! ---- The different actors in the French nuclear industry through a bad period. Areva is indeed at the heart of the storm with his trial on the incomprehensible awarding of a depleted uranium deposit, but more recently with revelations about the defects in the construction and validation of 128 pieces of business in reactors La France. ---- The Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), to monitor the die, is compromised by asking relationships based on trust with key players, Areva and EDF, which had rigged the old reports. ...

(en) afed uk: NO BORDERS, NO STATES, NO WARS! - RESISTANCE BULLETIN #160 - Editorial

September 29, 2016 - 4:35am
This issue contains articles about action against detention centres, anti-racist action, migrant/refugee support centres, experiences from Greece, AF's pre-Brexit viewpoint, and more. ---- Editorial ---- The ‘migrant crisis', the referendum about withdrawing from the EU, and many conflicts past and present are all about artificial lines that divide groups of people. ---- These borders are both physical - you are not allowed to cross from one piece of land to another - and mental and imaginary - the idea that people of one side of the line are fundamentally different from those of the other side. In this issue of Resistance we focus on the borders between nation states. Governments have control over a particular patch of land that is perceived to have some kind of common social and cultural identity. The fact that humans have been migrants around the globe for thousands of years ...

(en) anarkismo.net: Flowers for the rebels who failed by Kate Sharpley - KSL Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer [Book Review]

September 29, 2016 - 4:35am
In Rebellion in Patagonia Osvaldo Bayer rescued this tragedy from historical oblivion. ‘The 1921 massacre of the rural workers of Patagonia is no longer a taboo subject, mentioned as if it were but a legend.' (p467) Patagonia, in the far south of Argentina, dominated by the livestock runs of large landowners, is a long way from Buenos Aires. It may be a long way from where you are, but this is a story that resonates. ---- Rebellion in Patagonia tells how the anarchist-organised rural workers strike in 1920-21 and win historic concessions, after the army and reformist politicians opt for compromise. The landowners are intent on destroying the workers' organisation and resist implementing the agreement, which leads to the second strike (of 1921). The owners want a solution, one that leaves them in full control. ‘If the military doesn't intervene, "there will be ...

(en) wsm.ie: Rojava revolution - Co-operatives & assemblies - video with commentary in the text by Andrew N Flood

September 29, 2016 - 4:34am
As they have driven ISIS back in northern Syria / Rojava the Kurdish YPG and their allies in the SDF have won increasing visibility in western media. While such reports often mention the key role in this fight played by women in the YPJ, there is otherwise little examination of the revolution happening behind the front lines in Rojava. That revolution is why they stood and fought ISIS rather than fleeing. This can be true of a lot of alternative media coverage. In part this is due to the limited amount of information on what this revolution involves. but it's also in part because photographs of women with guns are judged to be more striking than women workers in a co-operative bakery or a community assembly. ---- We've tried to address this imbalance somewhat, both in our coverage and through bringing a number of Kurdish and other speakers over to talk at the ...

(en) solfed uk: Statement on Laibaz dispute -- wage theft

September 29, 2016 - 4:34am
Over the last few weeks the Manchester Solidarity Federation has been escalating the campaign against Laibaz restaurant in Bolton. As well as further phone blockades, we have leafleted in Bolton, organised a poster campaign and held a stall outside of the restaurant. The support we have received from groups and individuals has been tremendous and we would urge people to continue with their support for the campaign. ---- The owner of the restaurant, Sunar Alom, has responded to the campaign with verbal abuse and by posting lies and smears against the workers involved on social media. Needless to say, wild accusations such as these will not deflect from Laibaz's shocking treatment of its staff. Nor will such allegations deflect the Solidarity Federation from our continuing campaign in support of the workers involved. We will now be stepping up the campaign ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Grand Paris: Triangle of Gonesse, a project that wrong (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 29, 2016 - 4:34am
The traditional smoky "participatory public debate" on Europa City was held between March and July 2016. Despite the involvement of opponents and opponents, the result to be published in mid-September leaves little doubt about the continuation of this project already tied. ---- The 700 hectares of grain land Triangle Gonesse - among the most fertile in Europe - are forbidden to build habitats, due to the proximity of Roissy and Le Bourget airports. But other forms of development are possible in the airport corridor long whets the appetites of developers and local officials and elected. ---- Hence the Europa City project Pharaonic commercial and tourist center, worn by a real estate subsidiary of Auchan. It would fit in a development zone (ZAC) piloted by the public development Plaine de France, which bétonnerait about 300 hectares. A station of line 17 of the Grand Paris ...


September 28, 2016 - 11:23am
The following is a speech given by Champaign-Urbana organizer Tyler Camp at the Rally Against Rape Culture, September 23, 2016. The rally was organized by Students Against Sexual Assault at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ---- I made it a project of mine this year to construct a sort of pedagogy, or theory, of radical love. And people have directed me to all kinds of resources that are really great and radical. My friend Kaitlin pointed me toward Shine theory- which is summarized really well in the simple thought: I don't shine if you don't shine. Specifically, the focus was on women uplifting other women but I think we can expand it to all genders. Use it as a way of pushing back against gender-embedded violence. ---- And I talk about gender in a broad sense keeping in mind this concept of toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is what creates and perpetuates ...

(en) afed.cz: Right to housing --- In September, due to the housing protest in Warsaw and Moscow. [machine translation]

September 28, 2016 - 11:23am
Increase in the number of homeless people is not only Czech. Privatization of municipal housing fund, hide behind ridiculous phrase about the possibility of improving the quality of housing in the new wave launched in Warsaw. Loss of home, there are thousands of people at risk. With the support of anarcho-syndicalists thus took place on September 19 in Warsaw in front of the city hall protest called. Reprivatization of housing, during which they sell houses and new owners throwing tenants on the street. This wild privatization can in a few years to prepare housing for hundreds of families in the capital. "Politicians talk about four thousand homes that were sold to private owners. In each of them could live about a hundred people, " said protest participant from the Committee to defend the rights of tenants. The event was also attended by those who have already given ...

(en) Greece, Workers Counter Bulletin #128 of ESE Athens (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 28, 2016 - 11:23am
The struggle for the release of our colleague severance pay at the bookstore "Leadership" continues said in the announcement, ASSOCIATION STAFF PAPER - PAPER - DIGITAL MEDIA ATTICA . The communication added that: not going to tolerate our colleague essentially disbanded after several years of work without taking or compensation. We will not accept whoever and whatever resists and defends labor interests to accept the vindictiveness and the adverse changes in his / her work by employers. We will never let any fellow alone and no colleague only to address the employer's attacks and abuses. ACROSS THE Employers lawlessness and arbitrariness, SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON UP NOW THE REMEDY OF DISMISSAL IN colleagues' PROTOPORIAS. " See more here or alternatively here. ...

(en) Greece, Our grandparents refugees, migrants our fathers, we racists? [machine translation]

September 28, 2016 - 11:23am
Text of the Trade Union Libertaria of Thessaloniki , published on the occasion of the racist decision of the Association of Parents of School Oreokastro , to close the village school, if they enroll in it the children of immigrants and refugees they live in the area. ---- On Tuesday 13 September the statement of the Association of Parents of School Oreokastro, in which there was talk of closing the school in the event that students are immigrants enroll, or if it was announced these students make use of the school building. This decision followed the city council of Oreokastro, and was strongly supported by both the mayor and councilors and by who witnessed the session of the council, who walk spreading their racist and far - right delusions. Since a municipal authority is not competent to indicate who can and who can not attend classes in a school, the purpose of ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Interview, Silvia Federici (feminist): "Capitalism separates and isolates women" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 28, 2016 - 11:23am
How is capitalism possible? In Marxist question Marx's answer: by the unpaid labor. The worker of the labor force is exploited, and the wealth it produces is extorted by the capitalist. How is the work of the workman possible? In feminist issue, Silvia Federici answer: by the work of women that allows the worker to reproduce his daily labor. In an interview with Hourya Bentouhami, philosopher and activist U, Silvia Federici returns to the specificity of patriarchy within capitalist societies. ---- AL: Is it that you can explain your background that goes from the study of witch hunt (in "Caliban and the Witch") as having contributed by you to the first form of primitive accumulation with enclosures[1]women, on reflection you lead today on domestic work and capitalism on a global scale in what amounts to a form of neo-colonialism? ...

(en) Fighting fascism in 1936, fighting fascism now! 80 years since the Battle of Cable Street, 9 October

September 27, 2016 - 5:54am
On the 4th October 1936 hundreds of thousands of Londoners faced down the Fascists and the Police in a battle to defend East London. ---- 80 years on and anti-fascists still stand in the radical tradition of physically and ideologically opposing the far right; it is that 80 years of tradition that we celebrate on this march. ---- We are calling for all radical anti-fascists to join the AFN bloc on the demonstration in order to celebrate 80 years of victories against fascism in the UK. ---- Bring Smoke, flags, banners and your mates. ---- More information as it comes! ---- On Sunday 9 October there will be a march and rally in the East end. It will assemble in Altab Ali Park, E1, at 12 noon and then head for a rally in St Georges Gardens in Cable Street. ---- 80th Anniversaries: Remember Cable Street - the road to Spain @ Meet Altab Ali Park, E1 ...

(en) Greece, Workers Counter Bulletin #127 of blogk ESE Athens (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 27, 2016 - 5:54am
Progress of the work world and the fight took place Saturday, September 10 at the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki (TIF). With motto: " the Labour and Social needs are non-negotiable " participated in the march Caravan Race & Solidarity. The call for the march to TIF stated inter alia: refugee and labor are the two critical battles to come in the future. First will not only stand against the anti-labor monstrosity, the other will notlet the state to transform the country into a giant refugee camp with NGOs and transport companies to enrich the people's pain. How to do that? The break with the union bureaucracy, which not only can not protect such tragic has shown, labor rights and wages, but also does not want, since now is the opposite class camp for us is obvious and we practice years now. No wonder SHIFT and GSEE was in favor of a new memorandum in the ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Kurdistan, imperialism and far right: open letter to Patrice Franceschi (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

September 27, 2016 - 5:54am
Former soldier, adventurer and sailor writer Patrice Franceschi is an old friend of the Kurdish cause. Yet there the dessert from the defense on Radio Courtesy, and associating the imperialist interests of the West. Alternative Libertaire calls out. ---- Patrice Franceschi, ---- Let's be clear. We do not do a trial of conscience, and not trying to dress up you a political label. We did not know you before meeting you on various forums in the fall of 2014 to support the fighters and combatants of Ayn al-Arab. If our philosophy differs from yours, the sincerity of your commitment to the Kurdish cause is clear, and that is why we would like to question you about what we consider to be a serious political mistake. ---- Twice in April 2015 and July 2016, you went defend Rojava on Radio Courtesy, the main station of the Catholic extreme right in France. And as if ...

(en) anarkismo.net: Interview with ZACF by Sosyal Savas (Social Struggle) Magazine, Turkey/Kurdistan by Sosyal Savas & Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF (tr)

September 27, 2016 - 5:54am
Dear comrades, glad to meet and to create a transcontinental communication and solidarity with you. We are an anarchist magazine/website from Turkey/Kurdistan. We can not say that we label ourselves anarcho-communists but mostly we agree in principles of solidarity, mutual aid, organized struggle and a world without bosses, states, ruling classes etc. the most important thing is for us to be in solidarity with all anarchists, libertarians and social movements which seek to destroy capitalism, states and dominations of all kinds. Only way to achieve success in class war against capitalism and its all apparatus, is to organize, to stay in touch/contact and to stay strong against it together. There are lots of documents about ZACF but mostly English. We have very few sources in turkish. So that we feel to inform anarchists and libertarians who are reading and ...