

"Towards a Cosmopolitan Marxism"

Historical Materialism Annual Conference

London, 4-6 November, 2005

In association with Socialist Register and the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize Committee University of London Union, and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, WC1 The Editorial Board of Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, in collaboration with the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize Committee, the Editorial Board of the Socialist Register, and the Faculty of Law & Social Sciences and the Department of Development Studies at SOAS is pleased to announce its annual conference, ‘Towards a Cosmopolitan Marxism’, 4-6 November 2005.


Max writes:

"The Revolution Will Not Be Funded"
Non-Profits, NGOs & Social Movements
New York City, Oct. 26, 2005

Wednesday, October 26th 7-9:00pm
Community Service Society (105 E 22nd street — corner of Park Avenue)
$5-10 (no one turned away)
“I’m very much afraid of this ‘Foundation Complex.’ We’re getting praise from places that worry me.” —Ella Baker, June 1963

What has been the cost of the proliferation of this Non-Profit Industrial Complex? Why have we seen this shift from volunteer based activism to staff driven advocacy work? How has the field of social change become so professionalized that one often needs multiple college degrees just to qualify for a job? What can movements in the US learn from the relationships between large NGOs and grass roots activists in places like Chiapas and Palestine?

Join us for an important discussion on the rise of 'The Non-Profit Industrial Complex' and its implications for autonomous social movements here in the United States and around the world.

Come celebrate the release of the new issue of Left Turn Magazine and help support two radical grass roots projects here in New York City!!!

Speakers include:
* Paula Rojas, from INCITE! & Sista ii Sista
* Eric Tang, a long time community organizer & teacher in NYC
* Priscilla Torres, Sista ii Sista Collective Member
* Ije Ude, Sista ii Sista Collective member

All funds raised from the event will go directly to Sista ii Sista & Left Turn magazine, for more info on these organizations please check out: and


Jean Baudrillard Lectures

New York City, Nov. 1-4, 2005

Nov. 1 at 6:30 PM


A dialogue bet. Jean Baudrillard and Sylvere Lotringer

The French House (Maison Francaise), Bluel Hall,
Columbia Univ.

116th and Bway, NY

Nov. 3 at 7 PM


A New Deal for Art Book Party

The Roosevelt Room at the Tilton Gallery

E 76th St and 5th Ave, NY

Nov. 4 at 6 PM


A Lecture/Dialogue bet. Baudrillard and Sylvere Lotringer

Moderated by Chris Kraus

The New School, Tishman Auditorium

66 W 12th St at 5th/6th, ground floor, NY


skb683 writes:

System Failure: War, Poverty, Racism
What is the Socialist Alternative?

7:45pm, Thursday, October 27
Alumni Room, Student Center
Southern Connecticut State University

On September 24, as 300,000 antiwar protesters marched in DC, our demands were encapsulated in such slogans as “Make Levees, not War” and “College not Combat, Relief not War!” A new opposition to the Bush Agenda has been sparked at the grassroots and millions of people are asking fundamental questions about the direction of this society.

Clearly, we deserve better than an inhumane system that cares only about profits. We deserve better than war, environmental degradation, and poverty. We must challenge the racist system that leaves behind poor Blacks, and demonizes Arabs and Muslims. A better world – a socialist world – is possible and necessary!

Come join us for this discussion on why the system is broken and how we can fight for an egalitarian society.

For more info/rides call 203-645-4907 or email

Sponsored by the International Socialist Organization

"Cultural Production and the State" Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 8-11, 2006

Papers are currently being accepted for the Southwest/Texas Popular
Culture & American Culture Association’s Annual Conference being held in
Albuquerque February 2006.

This year a new Area has been developed entitled “Cultural Production and
The State.” This Area has been created to explore the ways in which
cultural production reproduces and/or undermines the State.

This Area is currently seeking new and provocative papers that illustrate
the critical role popular culture assumes in constructing our collective
understandings of the political landscape(s) in which we live.

Abstracts are due November 15, and must be 150-250 words. Please include
any technical needs.

WHAT: Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Popular Culture Annual

WHEN: April 8-11, 2006

WHERE: Hyatt Regency Albuquerque

For more information on this Area please contact Michelle Stewart at

For more information on the conference and other Areas please visit here.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Surviving the Dirty War

Patricia Isasa

Larkskpur, California, Nov. 3, 2005

Argentina kidnap victim Patricia Isasa will discuss her abduction and torture and present her documentary film on Thursday, November 3, at the Redwoods Presbyterian Church, 110 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, at 7:30 PM.

At the time of her kidnapping in July of 1976, Patricia Indiana Isasa was a 16-year-old high-school student in Santa Fe, Argentina. She was taken by a commando group of the state police and “disappeared” for three months. She was then taken to a military barracks and held prisoner without trial or due process for two years and two months.

Her 50-minute film "El Cerco" documents the investigation she initiated in 1997, which led to the discovery of the identities of some individuals responsible for violent repression of civil rights during the seventies. Thanks to Ms. Isasa's relentless efforts, today eight people are in jail and awaiting trial, including an ex-federal judge, an ex-assistant secretary for security of Santa Fe, and several ex-policemen (one of them a graduate of the School of the Americas).

The program is sponsored by Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas. A $5-10 donation is requested. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. This venue is wheelchair accessible. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 415/924-3227 or email

Rethinking Marxism 2006 Conference

Amherst, Massachusetts, Oct 26–28, 2006

Rethinking Marxism, a journal of economics, culture & society is pleased to announce its 6th major international conference, to be held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on 26-28 October, 2006. The conference is entitled Rethinking Marxism 2006.

Rethinking Marxism's five previous international conferences have each attracted between 750 and 1200 participants, and they have included keynote addresses and plenary sessions, formal papers, workshops, art exhibitions, video presentations, activist sessions, and performances. Versions of all of these events are planned for Rethinking Marxism 2006.


Anonymous Comrade writes

New York City Anarchist Circle Meeting
Oct 18, 2005

The First NYC Anarchist Circle Meeting

When: October 18, 2005 @ 7 PM

Where: AJ Muste Building, 339 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012
(Take 6 to Bleecker, B,V,F,D to B'way-Lafayette, Q,R,W to Prince)

This will be an opportunity for various anarchists and anarchist collectives to come together and facilitate a discussion. Here, we will be able to obtain a greater understanding of what everyone in the anarchist community is actually doing; and, hopefully, strengthen the bonds within it, possibly creating new ones. The fall of Soviet Russia and the ever expanding realization of the horrors of capitalism has paved the way for anarchists to make their presence felt. A lively discourse about tactics, vision, and organization will only strengthen our ability to make our presence an influential one--more so than it already is. So, bring your ideas, maybe some examples of what you are doin, proposals, and, most importantly, bring yourself. Hope to see everyone there.


ABC No Rio 25th Anniversary Benefit

New York City, Oct. 20, 2005



from 6:00 to 10:00pm @ DEITCH PROJECTS



Join us for cocktails, buffet, performances, guest DJs, brilliant
conversation and spirited bidding!!!

Proceeds to benefit the ABC No Rio Building Renovation Fund.


Rainer J. Hanshe writes:

Nietzsche Birthday Lecture

Walter Sokel

New York City, Oct. 15, 2005

The Nietzsche Circle with the support of Deutsches Haus presents its first fall event, a talk presented by Dr. Walter Sokel:

"On the Dionysian in Nietzsche:

Monism and Its Consequences"

Please join us for this birthday celebration with Dr. Sokel, who will be visiting New York from California expressly to give this talk, which we are much honored to offer. A discussion with the audience will follow.

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