

"Yoni Speak"

Sauma Roy, OutLookIndia

A play on women's sexuality. Is it about empowerment or another socialite

"Obviously Madras has no vaginas. If Madras has no vaginas it must be full
of assholes." — Mahabanoo Mody-Kotwal, director-actress, on "The Vagina Monologues" being
banned in Chennai.

Each side seems to be going for the shock and awe approach, in this latest
battleground in the battle of the sexes.

"Power, Subjectivity, Resistance:

Three Works on Postmodern Anarchism"

Michael Glavin, New Formulation


Postmodern Anarchism

By Lewis Call, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2002

The Political Philosophy of
Poststructuralist Anarchism

By Todd May, University Park: Pennsylvania
State University Press, 1994

From Bakunin to Lacan:
Anti-Authoritarianism and the
Dislocation of Power

By Saul Newman, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2001

"If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to
worry about," my formerly liberal father turned Fox
News devotee said as if he were uttering a simple,
elegant truth. "But Dad, my brother just bought me
Postmodern Anarchism on the Internet, you don't think
that will show up as a blip in some government
database?" With that my father looked down at his
filet mignon and asked my younger sister to pass the

Zizek Watch

Scott McLemee, Chronicle of Higher Education, April 2, 2004

The world's leading cultural theorist has held exactly the same academic title for a quarter of a century. Slavoj Zizek is a "researcher" at the Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, in Slovenia. He attributes his great intellectual vitality to the fact that he has no reason to work very hard. "I'm on a permanent sabbatical," he tells Zizek Watch. "I have a pure research job, where I do nothing."

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"Rickie Lee Jones Gets Political"

Dan Grunebaum, Japan Today

There's a point not too far into American singer Rickie Lee
Jones's new album — in the first verse of the first song in
fact — that makes one do a double take. Could this be the
insouciant piano girl that brought us 1979's gently mocking,
"Chuck E's in Love?"

The song, "Ugly Man," doesn't pull any punches. As soon as
Jones lilts into her first verse, we get a strong hint as to
who the target is: "He's an ugly man/he always was an ugly
man/he grew up to be like his father/an ugly man." And just
in case we had our doubts, she soon puts them to rest,
delivering in deadpan style the lyric, "Revolution/now it's
finally going to come/everywhere that you're not

hydrarchist writes:

"From the Barcelona Review on the great spanish noir writer, recently deceased."

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

The Man and His Work: A Retrospective

Jill Adams

Reviewing: An Olympic Death and The Buenos Aires Quintet

When Manuel Vázquez Montalbán died suddenly last October, the city of
Barcelona went into serious mourning. Hours and hours of television were devoted to his
memory. Many of Spain’s most important literary figures, politicians and journalists
spoke movingly of the man and his work. Montalbán was a highly respected social critic
and political commentator, giving articulate and intelligent voice to the left. He wrote a
weekly column for El Pais and his byline was sought after by the major newspapers
in Europe; his frequent speaking engagements drew large audiences. He was equally well
known for his poetry, plays, essays and articles on food and culture, humorist pieces, and
numerous novels and short stories.

"Call's Postmodern Anarchism"

Edward J. Martin

Reviewing Lewis Call, Postmodern Anarchism

Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 159 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-7391-0522-1, Publication Date: February 2003

Postmodern Anarchism, by Lewis Call, draws on the
works of several theorists in an attempt to connect
anarchism with postmodernism. Call uses anarchism to
critique liberal notions of language, consciousness,
and rationality, which are inherent in economic and
political power within the capitalist state
organization. Call uses postmodern methods rooted in
anarchist tradition to deconstruct hegemonies of all
sorts, predominantly Marxist and capitalist in nature.
Yet his sharpest attack is leveled against bourgeois
liberalism manifested in "late capitalism," or as
Veblen describes it, "conspicuous consumption."

"Postface to the Complete Text of the Journal Futur Antérieur (1989-98)

Toni Negri

[On 4 November 2003 the following text was published in Italian and French
on the Multitudes website, as a preface to the e-published archive of the
journal Futur Antérieur. The original text of this article can be found at
Multitudes. Translated by Ed Emery.]

What was Futur Antérieur? A major undertaking, ten years of hard work every
week in order to produce four issues per year, along with occasional
supplements. An expansive undertaking. An expansivity that was not only
quantitative but also qualitative. A good journal is like an octopus,
continually reaching out and pulling in the theoretical and historical
happenings in the environment in which it lives. This journal had a soul -- a
passionate soul which tried to absorb everything in the world around it
which offered theoretical interest, a political choice, an ethical
dimension, or simply a joy of life. The soul of a journal is its radical
determination to give meaning to everything it touches, to build it into a
theoretical tendency, to embrace it within a mechanism of practical
activity. Futur Antérieur definitely had a soul. Or rather, many souls.

"On Neoconservatives and Trotskyism"

Louis Proyect

Reviewing "Arguing the World": a movie about the journey from Marxism to neoconservatism

Joseph Dorman's "Arguing the World" is a documentary study of the careers of four celebrated Jewish intellectuals from immigrant working class families who went to City College in the 1930s. While one of them, Irving Howe, stayed more or less critical of American society, the other three -- Irving Kristol, Nathan Glazer and Daniel Bell -- evolved from establishment liberalism in the 1950s to neoconservativism in the Reagan era. I use the word career advisedly in describing their paths. Perhaps the most honest account of what it meant to belong to this group is found in Norman Podhoretz's Making It, where he admits that what motivated each shift in his political or cultural affiliation was how it would it advance his career.

"NAFTA's Knife: Class Warfare Across the U.S.-Mexico

Bill Fletcher, Jr.

Reviewing David Bacon, The Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the
U.S./Mexico Border

(Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2004), 348 pages, cloth $27.50.

I once heard a discussion about the first sentences of
books and those sentences that were among the most
famous and most powerful. The opening of Gabriel Garcia
Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude was among the
most popular. David Bacon's first sentence in chapter
one of his book must now rank among the most gripping:
'NAFTA repeatedly plunged a knife into José Castillo's


Ezra Alexander writes:

"Thrashin' of Jesus The Christ"

Ezra Alexander,

Mel Gibson is an anti-Semitic asshole. Or... he's a genius...

First Jew shot you get is of slow-mo silver sheckels being thrown at a money grubbing, sniveling Judas by a pack of bloodthirsty Rabbi's.

Jesus gets the shit kicked out of him by the Temple guards and the Rabbi's want him to suffer... why? The movie doesn't give you a clue. (Score a point for Mel if his aim is to get people to read the Bible because I will now just to see what the fuck happened in the book) As for the non-stop shit kicking... the Bible reads that he got slapped. Once.

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