In the Streets


or call 215-396-7856

2 masks per request.

An org very concerned about protecting us from terrorism can also protect us from state and police brutality at protests as well. Might be worth stocking up for the future.

Anonymous Comrade writes "Squat Opened July 3rd 2002 2109 Nicolet (metro Pie- IX)
A squat was opened today in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighborhood of
Montreal to take action against Montreal's housing crisis. The squat
located at 2109 Nicolet Street represents one of the hundreds of
apartments and buildings which remain empty despite Montreals housing
crisis. The housing crisis which has put hundreds of families and
individuals on the streets, is fueled by the intense gentrification of
low-income neighborhoods and by political negligence on the part of the
City of Montreal.

Mobilization for Global Justice writes "Preliminary call to action by the Mobilization for Global Justice Resist the IMF/WB policies and military apparatus and help create a space for dissent Washington D.C., Sept./Oct., 2002

Come demonstrate, dance, make music, and resist with tens of thousands of people in the streets of Washington D.C. to denounce the exploitative and unsustainable policies of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
This will be a major mobilization where success will be determined by the breadth of our presence and the depth of our coalition. Please forward this call to individuals and organizations concerned with the injustice of concentrated wealth, exploitation of labor, militarism and criminal neglect for the earth and living creatures.

June 21, 2002

From: Center for New Community

To: Human Rights and Anti-Globalization Activists, Media

The Center for New Community has uncovered a violent neo-Nazi organization
attempting to inflitrate the anti-globalist movement. A new group calling
itself the Anti-Globalism Action Network (AGAN), has emerged to protest the
G8 meeting in Canada next week but is merely being used as a facade by the
National Alliance.

nolympics writes "Near disaster on the Gazan riviera

On the 10th of june a group of International solidarity activists from the countries of Denmark, South Korea, Sweden, Ireland, US and France went to the Abu Holi (Fardarom in Hebrew) military checkpoint between Gaza City and Raffa in the central area of the Gaza Strip. The checkpoint is situated on the main road south in the Gaza and connects the main city with the refugee camps and other towns in the area. It is placed where the road intersects with another road constructed exclusively for the few settlers who live on a Jewish settlement nearby and is manned by a contingent of Israeli soldiers.

The founding conference of Autonomous Action took place 25th-27th of January
in the city of Nizhni Novgorod. Besides from Nizhni Novgorod, there were
participators from Krasnodar, Moscow, Samara, Yaroslavl, Tymen, Chelyabinsk
and Aksay of Kazakhstan. Besides these cities, Autonomous Action has
individual members
or contact persons in around 20 cities, in Belarus and Ukraine as well.
There were observers from Praxis-collective of Moscow, Confederation of
Revolutionary Anarcho-Syndicalists and Rainbow Keepers. Siberian
Conference of Labour and Tver anarchists sent their greetings to the

Mockturtle writes

"Berlin was the first stop for that son of a humiliated warlord, that Texas executioner whom less than half of the few who did vote at all had voted for back in the days when air travel did not involve plastic cutlery. The oil man had chosen Europe in order to win support for his daddy’s vengeful fantasies involving the spectacular capture of an ally turned anti-christ who had remained a global somebody long after his arch enemy had been voted out of office for a sax playing hedonist with a soft spot for blow jobs. American politics, eh? But check out what happened in Germany these past few days.

hydrarchist writes: "

[From the Northeastern Anarchist #4, ordering info at the end]

Fighting to Win!: Anarchists and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

by Jeff Shantz (NEFAC-Toronto, OCAP)

The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) is a direct action
anti-poverty organization which, since 1989, has fought bosses and governments of all stripes in Ontario, left (so-called), right and center to defend the needs of poor people and to work for a future where people are able to live decently. In doing so, OCAP has become the focal point of resistance to neoliberal capitalism in Canada's largest province. It has also become a strong pole of attraction for class struggle anarchists in Toronto. This article outlines the political context in Ontario, how OCAP fights, and some of the connections with anarchists. The discussion should
make clear why most class struggle anarchists in Toronto are involved with OCAP.


We've been handed a grim timetable, and a rare opportunity. According to a recent New York Times article by Thom Shanker and David E. Sanger, dated 4-28-02: "The Bush administration, in developing a potential approach for toppling President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, is concentrating its attention on a major air campaign and ground invasion, with initial estimates contemplating the use of 70,000 to 250,000 troups [...] early next year." The Bush administration officially denied this scenario the very next day, of course. But whether it's a nixed "confrontation with Hussein this fall," or a more probable one next spring, or even war next fall in order to avoid "summer combat in bulky chemical suits," a US military attempt to overthrow Saddam is about as inevitable as Bush mangling the English language.

Anonymous Comrade writes"Apology for the algerian insurrection
I started a (very bad) translation of the book in French "Apologie pour l'insurrection Algerienne" written by Jaime Semprun and published in 2001. The whole book in French:

If i have time i'll translate an article published in a french anarchist paper "Le Monde Libertaire" (weekly of the Federation Anarchiste Francaise). In the article they give updates and also criticism to this algerian insurrection for its lack of social-class claims and perspectives.

Karim Al Majnun


Jaime Semprun

Edition de l'encyclopedie des Nuisances
60, rue de Menilmontant, XXe arr.


Quevedo said about Spanish people: " they haven't been able to be historians but they deserved to be ".
This is still right concerning the 1936 Spanish revolution: others have written the history of the events. It's too early to write the history of the insurrection that started in Algeria during spring 2001, but it's not too late to defend it; in other words to fight the deep indifference, puffed up with historic recklessness, as we see it in France.

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