
jim writes


Wall Street, NYC

Tuesday, July 9 - 11:00 a.m.

Bush will be speaking tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. on Wall Street.

Eager to distance his administration from scandals at Enron Corp. and
WorldCom Inc., Bush will issue a fresh call for corporate responsibility and
a crackdown on misconduct in an address on Wall Street on July 9.

"If there are any bad players in our free enterprise system, they will be
held accountable by this administration and by the government," said
Fleischer, offering a preview of Bush's address to business leaders.

Let's let Bush know that New Yorkers hold him accountable!
We will meet at Wall Street & Broad Street.
If the area is blocked meet at Exchange Place & Broad Street
Take the 4 or 5 train to Bowling Green Follow Broadway up to Exchange Pl. go
Left on Broad Street. If you're not on the 4 or 5 line, transfer to it at
59th Street or Grand Central, whatever's more convenient.

People should try to be there by 11:00 to avoid traffic, etc., but you can
take an early lunch and be there at 11:30.

For more info:

bush protest


or call 215-396-7856

2 masks per request.

An org very concerned about protecting us from terrorism can also protect us from state and police brutality at protests as well. Might be worth stocking up for the future.

Mobilization for Global Justice writes "Preliminary call to action by the Mobilization for Global Justice Resist the IMF/WB policies and military apparatus and help create a space for dissent Washington D.C., Sept./Oct., 2002

Come demonstrate, dance, make music, and resist with tens of thousands of people in the streets of Washington D.C. to denounce the exploitative and unsustainable policies of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
This will be a major mobilization where success will be determined by the breadth of our presence and the depth of our coalition. Please forward this call to individuals and organizations concerned with the injustice of concentrated wealth, exploitation of labor, militarism and criminal neglect for the earth and living creatures.

Coalition to Fight Gentrification in Harlem

C/o Harlem Tenants Council, Inc.

1 West 125th Street Room 206

New York, NY 10027

Tel.: 212-316-2240 FAX: 212-616-4926

Dear Friend & Fellow Activist:

We are writing to ask for the support and endorsement of
your organization for an Affordable Housing/Stop Budget
Cuts/Defend Civil Liberties/Stop the War march & rally to be
held on Saturday, June 29th at 2:00 PM on the Plaza of the
Harlem State Office Building located at 125th Street and 7th

The main march will begin at 116th Street and Lexington
Avenue at 1:00 PM; proceed east to Third Avenue and north to
125th Street then across 125th to the Plaza. Participants
can also assembly at 100th Street & Lexington Avenue at 12
Noon to join the main march at 116th and Lexington at 1:00
PM. A Westside contingent will assembly at 1:00 PM˜Tiemann
Place (124th Street) and Broadway--
to march across 125th to the Plaza arriving at 2 PM,
approximately the same time as the Eastside marchers.

The greater Harlem community, despite the gentrification
hype, remains in crisis:
high infant mortality, high asthma rate among children less
than ten years of age in
East Harlem, environmental racism, unemployment double that
of the city,
permanent unemployment and an affordable housing crisis that
has left thousands of
families homeless or doubled-up. The end of welfare will
inevitably increase
homelessness. City budget cuts and a spiraling military
budget of $380 billion will
further reduce standard of living for everyone. This is why
we must overcome
superficial cultural and ethnic differences that divide our

People throughout NYC are hitting the streets to protest a
myriad of social justice
inequities. The Greater Harlem community can no longer
afford to be silent. It is
ironic the most recent crowd gathering in Harlem was
"President Bill Clinton
Coming to Harlem" celebration -- a President that signed bills
to end welfare,
mandate compulsory work service for public housing tenants
lest they face eviction,
and he put more young Blacks & Latinos in prisons than did
Republican President
Ronald Reagan. The rally on June 29th will send out a
different message, one of
popular resistance against racism, militarism, attacks
against civil liberties and
economic exploitation in all forms including gentrification.
This is a battle for ideas,
human and grassroots community development before corporate

We are calling on all New Yorkers to take a stand with
Harlem on June 29th.
Your organization can help by: (a) Endorsing the June 29th
rally; (b) Help with
outreach, particularly with your constituents; (c) send a
rep to the 6/20 mobilization
meeting held at 1 West 125th; (d) Show up with a crowd on
June 29th -- bring
banners, noise makers and information about your
organization (literature tables are
not provided.). We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Nellie Hester Bailey

Danny Vila

"The Bomb Project is a comprehensive on-line compendium of nuclear-related links, imagery and documentation. It is intended specifically as a resource for artists, and encourages those working in all media, from, film and video, eco-intervention and site-specific installation to more traditional forms of agitprop, to use this site to search for raw material. The Bomb Project has gathered together links to nuclear image archives (still and moving), historical documents, current news, NGOs and activist organizations as well as government labs and arms treaties. It makes accessible the declassified files and graphic documentation produced by the nuclear industry itself, providing a context for comparative study, analysis and creativity."

Website:: bomb project

Who Are the AYN?
The Anarchist Youth Network is a collection of younger people from all over
the UK, who are fighting capitalism from an anarchist perspective. We consist
of many different types of anarchists and anti-capitalists with members
coming from a range of different anti-capitalist groups in the UK. We
organise without leaders in a non-hierarchal way and approach "politics"
(with a small p!) from a younger peoples' perspective.

u p c o m i n g e v e n t s

The first Anarchist Youth Network National Gathering will take place this
July between Friday the 12th and Sunday 14th. At a top secret London
location, the gathering will serve as an organisational tool as well as
providing knowledge and fun! Contact us with the details below for more

Anarchist Youth Network

Address: c/o 84b, Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7QX

Tel: 07814 629780

Web Page: flag.blackened net

Email: anarchistyouth

Discussion list: young anarchos subscribe



Wednesday, June 26, 5 p.m., at the International Monetary Fund offices,
E45th Street and Second Avenue

Solidarity with activists gathering around the world in opposition to the
summit of the world's chief terrorists!

On June 26 and 27, the Group of 8 -- the so-called leaders of the
industrialized world -- will gather under massive security in the secluded
Canadian ski resort of Kananaskis for their annual meeting.

They can run, but they can't hide.


Saturday, August 3rd, 12 noon, Prospect Park, Brooklyn

Rain Date: The following Sunday, same time, same

The location is a scenic point along the bucolic
shores of Prospect Lake, among the mosquitos and
flies, but beautiful nonetheless.

To get to Prospect Park (see map below) from Manhattan
or Queens: take the F train into Brooklyn, to 15th
Street/Prospect Park stop, which is at the corner of
the park. Walk Southeast along Prospect Park Southwest
Street, until you come to an entrance at 16th Street,
then enter the park, walk around the lake, looking for
the "Peristyle", which is a columned building (looks
like the Greek Parthenon, with nothing on the inside)
and look near the water for the festivities!

Look for the banner proclaiming the fun. If you'd like
to help us organize it, let us know: projects [NOT]

What to Bring: Frisbees, soccer balls, veggie hotdogs,
kites, lawn chairs, sunglasses, tanning oils,
watermelon, pets, blankets, children, and lots and
lots of food!

Map of the park with location of the picnic can be
found at anarcho-nyc

Making the Movement Matter:

An Anti-Capitalist Conference

July 4 - 6, 2002 at the Ontario Institute for Studies In Education (OISE),
252 Bloor St West, Toronto. Featuring the following public forums and workshops

Thursday July 4, 7 pm

From Empire To Ashes : Fighting Imperialism Speakers: Samer Elatrash, a
Palestinian Liberation Activist Claudio Katz, an activist from Argentina
currently working in the unemployed workers' movements and in the
Neighborhood Assemblies Magaly San Martin, an activist in the Latin
American Coalition Against Racism and Ontario Common Front.

Friday, July 5, 7 pm

Another World Is Possible: From Anti-Globalization to Anti-Capitalism

A strategy session for the anti-globalization movement and a book launch
for David McNally's new book, Another World Is Possible: Globalization and
Anti-Capitalism. This session will also include report backs from the
Kananaskis and Ottawa anti-G-8 actions.

HACKMEETING 2002 Bologna, 21-22-23 June 2002


Hackmeeting is a meeting of Italian digital communities and
countercultures. Three days of workshops, games, parties, debates,
exchanges of viewpoints and ideas and common learning. Hacking as an
attitude: this is our vision, not just computer knowledge.

We are "hackers" all day long, even when we aren't using a computer, when
we fight to change what we don't like, such as the untrue and forced
information, the exploitation of not affordable but expensive technologies,
as the unavoidableness of acknowledging information without any interaction.

We regard hacking to be an attitude that isn't confined to information
technology. Our way of being hackers is apparent in day-to-day life, even
when we're not using computers. It reveals itself when we fight to change
the things we don't like, such as force-fed misinformation, the use of
expensive technologies that are not available to everyone, and having to
accept information dispensed without any interactivity.

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