
"Experts See Drawbacks to GOP Convention in NY"

Ellen Wulfhorst, Reuters

The Republican Party's hope that its convention in New
York would highlight a nation healed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks could
backfire as the White House comes under fire for its handling of the crisis
and the war in Iraq, strategists said on Monday.

President Bush's re-election effort is plagued with questions on whether his
administration could have prevented the attacks, and holding his party's
convention just minutes away from the World Trade Center, where nearly 3,000
people were killed, could make matters worse, they said.

"It was the wrong place to go from the beginning," veteran Republican
political consultant Roger Stone said.


Prophets and Gain: New Russian Cinema

May 3-8, 2004, Pittsburgh Russian Film Symposium 2004

Much has been written in the past decade about the crises besetting the film industry in Russia since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. These crises, however, were simply the inevitable consequence of capital's struggle to differentiate itself from money — that is, a painful transition from funding individual film projects (by the state, by Klondike capitalists, by the underworld) to the investment of funds with an expectation of generating surplus value; a transition that transformed the film industry by shifting the focus from products to profits. Even the film studios inherited from the recent Soviet past — Mosfilm, Lenfilm, Gor'kii Film Studio — were forced to allocate their now limited resources in a new way: film projects had to be packaged both in terms of their "social (or artistic) merits" and their projected ability to return capital investments to the studios.


Mobtown Anti-Racist Action writes:

Anti-Fascist Bloc at March for Choice

Washington, DC, April 25, 2004

Anti-Racist Action is calling for a visible antifascist bloc on April 25th in Washington DC as part of the March For Women's Lives. The climate of fear engendered in this country by the Bush administration's military agression and assult on civil liberties has created an opportunity for the forces of the right wing to consolidate their power and work together to push through an agenda which is oppressive in many ways, one of the most visible today being the assault on sexual and reproductive freedom. This calls for nothing less than total resistance, and it is critical for anti-authoritarians to make our presence felt as part of this opposition.

a_khenatoun writes:

VideoKaravaan 2004

Media Arts Workshop

April 12–24, 2004, Agadir, Morocco

The next station of our project this year will be Inchallah in Agadir, in the southern side of Morocco. Besides
programme screening, video installations and interactive,Videokaravaan will
set up a series of workshops
and initiatives to allow local Artists to create their own works and enable
them to represent themselves
directly. Many International Artists will give their assistance and
experience, among them: Toni Serra,
Mounir Fatmi, Joachim Montessuis, Nabil Ayouch, Abdelaziz Taleb, Zhor
Rehihi, Bouchra Khalili, Abdellatif
Benfaidoul, Alexander Peterhaensel....


"Sixth Cuban International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium"

Havana, June 22-24, 2004

The Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, with the support of the Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (the City Historian), HIVOS, ENET / ETECSA Cubasí Portal, and the collaboration of the Union of Cuban Artists and Writers (UNEAC), the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema (ICAIC) and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Fine Arts Museum), announces the VI Salón y Coloquio Internacional de Arte Digital (Sixth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium) with the purpose of promoting artistic and cultural values created with new technologies.


NY News and Letters invites you to join a series of classes on:

"Alternatives to Capitalism" Classes

Sundays in Spring, 2004, New York City

39 West 14th Street, Rm. 205 (Ring bell #3, Identity House), Manhattan

Free admission; free and open discussion. Most readings can be purchased from us. Call (212) 663-3631 for more information, or e-mail nandl@ and ask about
New York classes. You can visit our website at Classes continue every other Sunday.

Class 2: Value, Exchange Value, and Freely Associated Labor? — April 4
Speaker: Andrew Kliman, 7:00-9:15 p.m. (Daylight Savings Time)

"Socialism" is often posed in terms of whether "capital should be individual or common." Marx's rejection to this way of posing the issue is discussed in The Poverty of Philosophy and "Critique of the Gotha Program." Marx's view that, "It is totally impossible to reconstitute a society on the basis of what is merely an embellished shadow of it," permeates his 1875 "Critique," which is taken up in Dunayevskaya's "A New Revision of Marxian Economics."

Call Congress Now to Close the SOA (202) 224-3121

Call Congress Now to tell them new research reveals that the SOA/WHISC still trains known human rights abusers. Tell them to Sponsor HR1258 to Close the SOA.

Details below.

RunMe DorkBot CityCamp 2004

Aarhus, Denmark, Aug. 25–27

You are cordially invited to leave your tents and sleeping bags safely at home and join us in
Aarhus, Denmark for the Runme Dorkbot citycamp 2004. From the 25th-27th August, Aarhus will be
filled with 'people doing strange things with software', as well as more traditional campfire
activities such as eating, drinking, talking, socialising, showing off and relaxing together.


Resistance 101: A Pro-Peace & Justice Teach-In

Hunter College, New York City, April 17, 2004

This FREE all-day event on Saturday, April 17th will include interactive panels and workshops with human rights and civil liberties experts and renowned theater artist-activists, capped off with THAW's monthly political theater performance cabaret, The Freedom Freedom Follies, held in the evening.


CCNY Strike Remembrance, April 22, 2004

City College SLAM, Professor Bill Crain and other student, faculty and community activists are planning a day of events at City College on Thursday, April 22nd to commemorate the 1969 City College Student Strike led by Black and Puerto Rican students that established Open Admissions and ethnic studies departments at every college in CUNY.

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