
hydrarchist writes:

"Alternative Economic Summit"

Warsaw, Poland, April 28-30, 2004

to coincide with
The World Economic Forum European Economic Summit,
Warsaw, Poland April 28-30, 2004

On the eve of accession to the European Union (significantly planned for May 1 to change the nature of that holiday), the European Economic Summit (which was cancelled in Dublin due to planned protests) is coming to Warsaw. On this occasion, we would like to greet the Summit not only with protest but with criticism and alternative visions. It is with this aim that we are calling for participation in an Alternative Economic Forum.

Lon Cayeway writes

International Day of Action

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Saturday, March 20

Featuring Noam Chomsky.

Peace Flame Park (south end of Burrard Bridge)

Gather: 11:00am

Rally: 1:00pm at Sunset Beach (off Beach Ave at Bute)

More information:

What a great way to start the spring; with mobile dance music by "The Carnival Band"


cy writes "

Over 350 people on the boat now known as SIEV X died trying to seek a better life. Countless others have drowned or gone missing in similar circumstances; thousands more have been interned in Australia's camps. The lives of those who are not citizens have been declared without value.

Up until now, those fleeing in boats have been met with military force, slander and the terrible cynicism of electoral rivalry. A new and shifting atlas of excisions and offshore penal colonies has been manufactured to circumvent the search for a better life.

In Australia, an asylum policy remains as fiction. In reality, the movements of people as something other than things for The Economy has been banned. We are all, with different degrees of violence, governed by this restriction on our lives and therefore in solidarity with those who, courageously and with hope, risk everything for freedom.

And so, those who are confined in Australia's concentration camps have put the question of 'freedom or death' starkly before us. It is necessary for the rest of us to make the voyage beyond symbolic indignation and act. It is possible and necessary to refuse the monopoly of governments over action, space and the valuing of lives.

This voyage of this Flotilla recalls the old law of the sea - which obliges us to give assistance to anyone in peril, without regard for flags - and seeks to open a multitude of flows toward a new world for which maps are yet to be created.

Therefore, the Flotilla will use a diversity of tactics: boats converging to Australia's north in mid-2004 crewed by autonomous affinity groups; media streams and online protests; radio waves and OpenFlow events.

Everyone is invited to make the voyage in their own way.

Uncle Fluffy writes:

Some folks I met recently are putting on this event...

Penguin Day, March 28, 2004

The first-ever Penguin Day on March 28, 2004 brings together free
and open source software (F/OSS) developers and non-profit technology
for a day of learning and conversation.

Penguin Day convenes stakeholders in the development and adoption
of F/OSS for non-profits to frankly address the
range of challenges in scaling capacity, as well as celebrate strengths
and successes of open source in the nonprofit sector.

"Don't Just [Not] Vote"

We are calling for a national campaign to take
advantage of this election year to emphasize the power
of direct action and to present direct democracy as a
viable alternative to representation. This campaign
will include literature distribution, postering and
stickering, demonstrations, educational events, and
other forms of community outreach, both in our own
communities and around the Democratic and Republican
National Conventions. It will culminate in a
nationwide day of direct action on November 2,
election day.


jinx writes


When: Thursday, Feb 19 from 12:30-2pm

Where: Room 1134, International Affairs Building

It will take place at the Institute of African Studies (Room 1134) International Affairs Bldg, Columbia University. Amsterdam Ave @ 117th Street, 11th floor

The speaker:

Franco Barchiesi (b.1968 Senigallia, Italy) is
currently Assistant Professor in African Studies at the Dept. of Politics, University of Bologna.
From 1996 to 2002 he has been a lecturer in the Dpt of Sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, where he is a PhD candidate and completing a dissertation on "Social Citizenship and Changes in Forms of Employment in the Making of Post-apartheid South Africa". He has published, among other, in "Review of African Political Economy",
"Critical Sociology", "Rethinking Marxism", "Monthly Review", "Antipode", "Labour, Capital & Society". His latest book (co-edited with Tom Bramble) is "Rethiking the Labour Movement in the 'New' South Africa"
(London, Ashgate, 2003).

An anonymous coward writes

"NYC Environmental Groups to Protest Karl Rove Visit"

President Bush's top advisor Karl Rove is scheduled to be in New York on
Wednesday, Feb. 18th, for a campaign fundraiser at Eugene's at 27 West 24th Street between 5th and 6th Av. RNCWatch has learned that the Sierra Club and 9/11 Enviromental Action are planning to stage protests outside at 5 p.m. to demand full disclosure of how the warnings about World Trade Center dust and fumes were withheld as well as to demand a proper cleanup and healthcare assistance for people who got sick.

Friday 9th January at 3pm
Seminar Room, Aberfoyle House, Magee Campus, Northland Avenue.
"How the Irish became White in America"
Lecture by Noel Ignatiev.
Free. All Welcome.
Hosted by Institute for Irish Cultural Heritage.

Friday 16th January at 3pm

Seminar Room, Aberfoyle House, Magee Campus, Northland Avenue, Derry.

"How the Irish became White in America"

Lecture by Noel Ignatiev.

Free. All Welcome.

Hosted by Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages.

Sat 17 January 2pm.

Pat Finucane Centre.

1 Westend Park

"Strategies for Anti-Racism in the north of Ireland"

A talk by Noel Ignatiev.

Hosted by the Pat Finucane Centre and the Anti Racist Monitoring Network.

All welcome. Free admission.


Anonymous Comrade writes:


Time and Politics Conference

Graduate Conference in the Department of Anthropology,
Johns Hopkins University, February 28th, 2004

Risk, survival, trauma, globalization, technology, security -– each in its different way is tied to the contests and claims of an uncertain future, an embattled present or an un-mastered past. Anthropology, as a particular mode of engagement with the world, attempts to understand the ways in which these overarching phenomena fold into the weave of everyday life. The graduate students of the Department of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University invite papers for future/tense, a student conference addressing notions of time and politics.

An anonymous coward writes:

"High Noon"

A Call by Geneva03 Initiative!

1 Towards High Noon
In recent years media activism has evolved globally from local pirate radios, video activist groups and paper zines into complex networks of alliances that use ICT to bridge the physical gap in txt, visual and sonic media, as well as those of distance and feasibility. Some of these networks (like Indymedia) have showed the way for others how to structure the information aggregation and dissemination process.

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